Spending time with your friends is great and creates genuine happiness. Relating to people and giggling about the same wacky stuff is awesome. It is important to spend time with those you appreciate. My friends and i took a morning trip to see the sunrise at Belmar beach at 6:00 a.m. It was fresh and relaxing. We took cute pics and ate a nice breakfast. A nice way to start the day positive and outside with fresh air.
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Briana Shifrin
I am a Sophomore at Rutgers University. I enjoy living a positive life and find such beauty in spreading optimism to others so that they can incorporate it in their lives. Self-motivation is the foundation to achieving your goals and making a change in your life. Keep spreading happiness in our world and strive to be the best possible version of yourself. Aspire to inspire.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-shifrin-684117191/
Personal Email: brie.shifrin@gmail.com
Rutgers/School Email: bls176@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
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