Confidence (syn.): faith, belief, trust, conviction
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Majority of people, throughout their lives, learn to finally love themselves as they grow into adulthood. It is rare that individuals truly love and appreciate themselves when they are teenagers, however things would be so different if people respected and loved themselves at a younger age. A lack of self love causes people to do negative things either for attention or to be noticed. How can you expect other people to respect and love you when you, yourself, do not. I truly believe that this is the key factor to living a happy life and enjoying every precious moment. You must put yourself above all in your life in the most sincere way. When self love is found, you are able to conquer anything that you set your mind to and it is an unbelievable feeling. You are able to set such goals beyond the expectations of your own self. As Whitney Houston once sang, "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all."
At the end of each and every day just remember, you can only rely on one person to be left, and that is yourself. You must love yourself and enjoy the company of YOU. Enjoy this lifetime of representing yourself.