I find it to be very fulfilling within to practice healthy habits in my everyday life. It is important for me to make sure I am drinking lots of water, reading, writing, exercising both my mind and my physical body. I find listening to music to be a very positive outlet, therefore I devote time to musicality. Whether it is a car ride with blasting music or working out with music in the background, I believe music is great for the soul and keeps one evolving.
Writing brings me pure enjoyment. I genuinely feel at peace when I am writing and find it to be a great way to connect with my feelings. I used to dance everyday, but as I grow older I find writing to be a beautiful substitute to connect with my inner peace. I find beauty in being in touch with my emotions and I think it is interesting to see how I formulate my words as expressions of my feelings. Whether I am experiencing super positive emotions or unsettling emotions, writing gives me an opportunity to connect with myself. The older I get the more I pay attention to song lyrics because a huge part about singing is being passionate about your emotions and given those emotions, you write honest song lyrics. If the song writer conveys their feelings honest enough through the lyrics, there can be a very magical transfer of energy from them to you.
Finally, physical exercise is a healthy habit that I practice everyday. When I go to the gym I set different goals and test my own mental limits as well. The best feeling is leaving the gym in a sweat and feeling very accomplished.
Objectively, everyone should acknowledge the activities that bring joy to their lives and put them into practice everyday (or most days). It is important to do things that will leave you feeling satisfied and proud of yourself. Keep challenging yourself and stay motivated in this life.