If you have noticed, in life, it is the little things that make you the happiest in life. The mild hellos, the simple smiles, the slightest compliments; these all add up to pleasant delight. Similarly, the small, but special moments are ones most hold closest to the heart: going to lunch with your grandparents, hugging your parents hello after returning home, cuddling with your dog, and even waking up in the morning. Every moment you are alive on this earth should be an empowering moment for you: especially when things are going alright for you. All in all, appreciate everyone and everything for as long as they last.
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Briana Shifrin
I am a Sophomore at Rutgers University. I enjoy living a positive life and find such beauty in spreading optimism to others so that they can incorporate it in their lives. Self-motivation is the foundation to achieving your goals and making a change in your life. Keep spreading happiness in our world and strive to be the best possible version of yourself. Aspire to inspire.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-shifrin-684117191/
Personal Email: brie.shifrin@gmail.com
Rutgers/School Email: bls176@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
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So uplifting! For such a young lady you are wise beyond your years!