Happiness comes in the littlest things that are imbedded in life. You just have to find them. Once you come across the people, the items, the profession, the self internalization that makes you feel wholesome, you have found what makes you happy. An example of something so little that makes me so happy are Squishmallows. Squishmallows are stuffed animals that are so soft and squishy. They are vibrant, sweet, soft, and innocent objects that genuinely bring happiness to my life. I feel internally young when I cuddling with them and that is a feeling that makes me feel whole. Although Squishmallows are something so small in life and are so temporary, they bring me temporary happiness. You will find personal joy in things you never even knew. The feeling of holding something so soft and sweet is a great feeling and makes me feel so young again! Link for Squishmallows: https://squishmallows.com
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Briana Shifrin
I am a Sophomore at Rutgers University. I enjoy living a positive life and find such beauty in spreading optimism to others so that they can incorporate it in their lives. Self-motivation is the foundation to achieving your goals and making a change in your life. Keep spreading happiness in our world and strive to be the best possible version of yourself. Aspire to inspire.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briana-shifrin-684117191/
Personal Email: brie.shifrin@gmail.com
Rutgers/School Email: bls176@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
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