More than a team, but a school team. There is no greater feeling then when you are receiving recognition for something you are passionate about in a school setting. My friends and I worked diligently to finally create an Allentown High School Varsity Coed Dance Team. The dancers on the team are more than grateful that they all get to share their talent with with both the school and with students who enjoy dance together. The incredible feeling of pouring your heart and soul into a performance alongside people you adore and being acknowledged in a school setting is wonderful. It wasn't until this year, my senior year, that I have gotten to dance in front of my school and share my enjoyment for dance with them. But beyond that, I am now able to perform with my friends and fellow classmates and grow as a team when sharing the same love for dance. I am proud to say the underclassman dancers will continue my legacy of the AHS Dance team for years to come. Spirit! Pride! Passion!
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Briana Shifrin
I am a Sophomore at Rutgers University. I enjoy living a positive life and find such beauty in spreading optimism to others so that they can incorporate it in their lives. Self-motivation is the foundation to achieving your goals and making a change in your life. Keep spreading happiness in our world and strive to be the best possible version of yourself. Aspire to inspire.
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